Infrastructure developers, we recognise the responsibility
we shoulder in building the nation’s economy, delivering
added value to society and mitigating the impact of our
business activities on the natural environment.
Adhering to Global Standards
MRCB is a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index. This index series encompasses companies that adhere to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria that are administered by the Financial Times Stock Exchange - Russell Group (FTSE).

Yayasan MRCB
The MRCB Foundation is focused on areas relating to children and the underprivileged, striving to identify programmes that will improve their quality of life.
For further information and enquiries, please contact our Corporate Communications department.
(603 2859 7015)
Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad (MRCB) has implemented a QESH Policy (Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health Policy) which articulates our commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of our activities and protecting the safety and health of our employees, contractors and the public.
At the same time, we are committed to delivering world-class services and maintain the highest standards of quality in the services we provide to our clients. We are currently operating with the following systems in place:
- ISO 9001 – Quality Management System (QMS)
- ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System (EMS)
- ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System
The objectives of QESH are to set the performance benchmark against these industry standards. Some of our QESH objectives are:
- Achieve minimum 80% SHASSIC (Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction) CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) / ESH (Environment, Safety & Health) Audit’s rating
- An incident rate of equal to or less than 2.01 to 2.50. (Incident rate is measure of the frequency with which some event, such as an accident, occurs over a specified time period)
- Ensure 85% of Non-Conformance Report (NCR)s are closed immediately (less than 3 days) and zero Stop Work Order (SWO) issued by client or relevant authorities.
The board has oversight of the management of health and safety issues through an Environmental, Safety, and Health Report shared every quarterly. Some of the details/data included in the quarterly report are:
- Accidents/incidents that have occurred,
- Notice of Improvement/Prohibition (NOI/NOP),
- Number of SWO issued,
- ESH Audit, ESH Inspection & Induction and ESH Training (in-house and external).
Risk assessment on health and safety are carried out at potential new operations and projects using the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Determining Control (HIRADC) Analysis framework.
MRCB has also established an Environmental, Safety and Health Committee. This committee includes an advisor, a chairperson, two deputy chairpersons, a secretary, and management representatives from each department. The meeting is to be held at least once every quarterly. The objectives of the ESH Committee are:
- To foster the cooperation and consultation between Management and workers
- To establish a two-way communication
- To motivate and raise awareness of workers on issues pertaining to the Safety and Health (S&H) aspects.
MRCB is committed to developing a working culture which is aligned to and supports internationally recognized human rights principles and seeks to avoid complicity in human rights abuses. We acknowledge the principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards.
MRCB seeks to identify, assess and (when identified) manage human rights impacts within our internal operations and supply chain in line with the following aims:
- Chairman of the Executive Committee
To respect the human rights of all our employees, including non-discrimination (age, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion), prohibition of child and forced labour and freedom of association and engagement in collective bargaining.
- Vendors (Suppliers, Contractors & Consultants)
To evaluate and select major vendors, taking into consideration MRCB's prequalification requirements, and expectations of vendors to adhere to the same or equivalent human rights principles that MRCB subscribes to. Working towards advancing the application of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work through effective engagement and partnerships where necessary. To ensure (as far as feasible) there is no child, forced, trafficked or slave labour in MRCB’s supply chain.
- Society/Local Communities
At all times, we strive to respect the cultures, customs, religion and values of the people in the communities in which we operate. To play a positive role, within our spheres of influence, contributing to capacity-building of issues relating to human rights. To contribute, within the scope of our capabilities, to promote the fulfilment of human rights principles by improving environmental, economic and social conditions. To encourage open dialogue and communication with stakeholders where necessary.
- Governments/ NGOs
To participate where appropriate in public affairs in a non-partisan and responsible way to promote internationally recognized human rights. To play a positive role, within our spheres of influence, in capacity-building for the realisation of human rights within our countries of operation through our participation in multi stakeholder activities where appropriate. To uphold the highest standards in business ethics and integrity and where appropriate to support efforts of national and international authorities to establish and enforce such standards for all businesses.
What's next?
MRCB seeks to improve our human rights performance by aligning our working culture to internationally recognised human rights principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards. Where there are gaps, we will strive to address them (as far as practicable) and review and update company relevant policies (as deemed fit). MRCB will continue to report the performance of human rights practices in the annual Group Sustainability Report based on the Global Reporting Initiative framework and be involved in multi-stakeholder efforts that support human rights.
1) Commitment to Local Employment
- PROTÉGÉ Graduate Employability Program.
MRCB participated in the PROTÉGÉ Graduate Employability Program. The Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTÉGÉ) Program is meant to support the Malaysian Government's initiative to create a pool of competent, well trained, knowledgeable, and skilled graduates through industrial attachment that will help them to attain relevant competencies that enhance their marketability and employability. MRCB have won 3 accolades at Malaysia’s 100 Leading Graduate Employers awards ceremony on 7 Nov 2019.
- Yellow Ribbon.
A large part of sustainability is ensuring the inclusivity of society and all its members, however, this can be challenging for inmates and troubled youth who are often excluded from our communities. The PEKA@ MRCB Program is part of the Yellow Ribbon initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Malaysian Prison Department and MRCB. It aims at helping those who deserve a second chance to be reintegrated into society. Introduced by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS), the project was launched in August 2019 to provide these side-lined groups a chance at employment and education opportunities to enable them to be self-sufficient, while also regaining trust and contributing to society. This allows the targeted group to return and serve society without being held back due to their past offenses and mistakes, preventing them from reoffending. MRCB embarked on this initiative, seeing that it will create a positive impact for the youth, the company, as well as society.
2) Mechanisms to Facilitate Employee Engagement
- MRCB have conducted activities for volunteers. We have set up a temporary 'Kid Care Centre' for children aged between 4 to 12 years when 1,400 schools nationwide were closed due to poor Air Pollution Index.
3) Stakeholder Engagement on Human Rights Issues
- Employee Engagement Program
To address issues faced by our employees during Malaysia’s Movement Control Order (MCO), MRCB conducted a survey to study the extent of impact faced by our employees. Henceforth MRCB Prihatin was introduced to show that MRCB care and are committed in supporting our employees through the difficult times.
- MRCB Counselling Services
As part of journey to improve the well-being of MRCB employees, MRCB provides individual and group counselling to help employees get through personal and/or professional issues.
- Working Hours for Pregnant Female Employees
To help all pregnant female MRCB employees, they are entitled to opt for a shortened 7-hours workday during their course of pregnancy.
- Work from Home during MCO
As a part of MRCB’s initiative to keep our employees safe from getting infected with Covid-19 we have implemented a work from home program.
To learn about MRCB’s Biodiversity, please download here
MRCB affirm our commitment to Sustainable Building
Share of total property portfolio that is certified to a recognised building management system (LEED, BREEAM, GBI and others) in 2019: 36.0%
Share of total revenue contributed by green building and infrastructure development (FY2019): 32.4%
To learn about MRCB’s Climate Change, please download here
MRCB is committed to minimising the environmental impact of our activities. Under our Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health (QESH) Policy, we emphasise the importance of conserving natural resources through innovative processes and the promotion of sustainable practices to ensure effective use of materials and resources (i.e. water, electricity etc) within our facility.
To learn about MRCB's Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health (QESH) Policy, please download here
MRCB is committed to conducting our business and operations in a way that is legally, economically, environmentally, and socially responsible. MRCB regards the adherence to these important factors in our decision to enter or continue relationships with vendors. Considering the above, we have sent a Vendor Letter of Declaration request to existing vendor and contractors to:
- Comply with applicable health, safety, and environment (HSE) laws, regulations and meet the relevant HSE standards for their products and services
- Provide safe, secure, healthy working conditions for their employees
- Make sure the laws in the countries in which they operate are observed and fundamental human rights are supported
- Prohibit bribery and any other form of unethical business practice which are intended to influence the business decision making process
- Accurately and completely recorded all their Business Transaction with MRCB
In MRCB we strive to practise eco-efficiency, a concept that encourages us to seek for environmental improvements that yield economic benefits. We have developed eco-efficiency (water, waste & energy) plans which we are currently piloting at our sites.
Water Management Plan
A. Policy, strategy and plan |
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B. Data Record |
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C. Reduction Initiatives |
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D. Commitment |
Our Environmental, Safety and Health (ESH) team keeps track of the number of cases of non-conformances issued at our project sites. In 2019, only 1 non-conformance case was issued by authorities at our project site. This was rectified immediately by the project team.
- MRCB Building System
- Sustainable Procurement
- Product Quality & Responsibility